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Enjoy this gallery of photos showing life at First & Central.

First & Central welcomes you to our website. We're glad you're here, and hope you will visit us (in person or by Internet) sometime soon.


First things first: First & Central is not at the corner of some "First" and "Central" street in Wilmington (neither street name exists). We're at the corner of 11th and Market Streets, a corner of Rodney Square in downtown Wilmington, Delaware. If you snapped the QR code on our sidewalk banner, you already knew that!


Second: we proclaim ourselves to be "A Church Without Walls that Welcomes Without Limits." We love worshiping God and working with the young and old, straight and LGBTQ+ folks, people of every color and background imaginable, believers and those are open to becoming one. We want more on our team to make a greater church and a better world. Whoever you are, we will gladly welcome you, your life, your story, and your love.


Third: you can find out a lot about us on this website. Maybe too much. :-) Use the drop-down menu above. If you need something else, use our Contact form. (There's a button at the bottom of every page.)


Here's a run-down of what's happening at First & Central these days:

  • Sunday worship is on our YouTube channel. Watch whenever you want! Services in the sanctuary resume at 10:00 on June 6, 2021.

  • Explorers Forum, our adult education series, has continued live (on Zoom) at 11 a.m. on Sundays, ending the season on May 30.

  • Bible study is likewise on Zoom, on Tuesday mornings, and a weekly prayer gathering online is on Wednesday evenings.

  • Our Saturday Hospitality for those experiencing homelessness will resume this fall.

  • We join the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew for "First Friday" Walks for Justice and Peace, beginning at 5:30 p.m.


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