Our Organ

Organ Stop List
Gedeckt 16′
Praestant 8′
Rohrflote 8′
Oktav 4′
Spitzflote 4′
Nasat 2.2/3′
Blockflote 2′
Terzflote 1.3/5′
Mixtur IV 2.2/3′
Zimbel II 2/3′
Trompete 8′
Gedacktflote 8′
Salizional 8′
Celeste 8′
Offenflote 4′
Prinzipal 8′
Terz 1.3/5′
Larigot 1.1/3′
Scharff III 1′
Dulzian 16′
Oboe-Schalmey 8′
Offenbass 16′
Subbass 16′
Prinzipal 2′
Bassflote 8′
Choralbass 4′
Mixtur IV 2′
Posaune 16′
Trompete 8′
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
The Gabriel Kney Organ
First & Central is fortunate to have the only pipe organ built by Gabriel Kney in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
Gabriel Kney’s Opus 112, built in 1989, consists of two manual divisions and pedal, 29 stops and 38 ranks. It has balanced mechanical key action and electric stop action with an eight memory combination system. Manual compass is 58 notes; pedal compass is 32.

Manual keys are ebony with bone-covered accidentals and stop knobs are rosewood. The painted casework is built of tulip and poplar. Pipes of principal character, including the facade, are of 80% tin, with pipes of flute character built of 40-60 % tin. Wooden pipes are white pine or mahogany, and resonators of the pedal Posaune and bottom octave of the pedal Trompete are copper.