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Scientists' model of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus identified in 2019.

(Updated March 24, 2022)


At this time, the State of Delaware has lifted most restrictions on activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses and organizations—particularly churches—are free to set their own rules for social distancing, facility capacity, and protective measures such as face masks. As of today, due to distribution of vaccines, the availability of new treatments and the significant decrease in infections (especially among vaccinated people), masks are no longer required for people gathering indoors. Based on these recommendations of the State, and the discussion of the church's Session (our governing body), First & Central will no longer require worshippers to wear masks, and distancing limits on seating in the sanctuary are lifted.


At our July, 2020 meeting of Session (our governing body), the body voted to accept the recommendations of a Reopening Task Force on use of the building and sanctuary. As of this date, Session has agreed with the protocols for resuming in-person worship using appropriate safety protocols, and has agreed to resuming other use of the building by outside organizations, subject to review and approval.


Using our best protocols for safety, social distancing, and contact tracing, we are resuming worship in the sanctuary at this time. This may change if the public health situation so requires.


Details and ramifications:

  1. The church's website and Facebook page will be updated as needed to reflect the changing situations.

  2. Members without email are being called by Session so that everyone is informed to the best of our ability.

  3. Worship services will also be provided electronically for those choosing to worship from home.

  4. Tuesday morning Bible study meetings continue via Zoom or similar platform. Contact us for information.

  5. Additional community worship opportunities have been added, with a Wednesday evening on-line prayer and discussion gathering. Session will determine in June if these will continue through the summer.

  6. Please call the church office with questions or concerns, or use the Contact page, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

  7. Church expenses and payroll continue. Please keep your pledge and giving up to date through the mail or online. 


Be well, stay safe and sane, and God bless us all.

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